Friday, November 5, 2010

Answer the question!

When was the last time you……

Took a photograph - Yesterday.

Ate grape jello - ummm 2 weeks ago when I made jello shooters yumo!

Google mapped an address - Last week and I still got lost.

Fumbled with a button - Fumbling is for amateurs. I do not fumble. Ever.

Answered the doorbell - My doorbell doesn't ask and I don't answer.

Made a sarcastic remark - Wait is there another way to make remarks?

Noticed you didn't give a damn - recently.... and you know what?

I feel good
na na na na na na
I knew that I would

Turned a page - I'm always on the same page. It's everyone else that has a problem.

Tripped over your own 2 feet - When I was on the treadmill and dog was trying to catch my feet.

Dialed the wrong number - I don't dial wrong numbers... the wrong people answer the phone.

You were really you
- Everyday!  Are you sure you're you? 

Cried yourself to sleep - Not telling.

Were speechless - I'm never speechless. I've got more tongue than a boot.

Fell off a horse - The proverbial kind? Because for the record I did get back on.

Laughed uncontrollably - You mean when you laugh until you cry and have belly ache so bad you can't talk or breathe? Almost everyday right Shaunah...

Sent a greeting card - Yesterday to my niece Brianna

Felt guilty - Born with the guilty gene... I'm thinking of having it removed.

Returned from the point of no return - It's really nice here... I'm gonna stay awhile.

 Felt genuinely happy - Right now. As I said, The Point of No Return Hotel is a very nice place!

Confided a secret - I am the keeper of secrets.

Danced like no one was watching - No one better be watching when I dance. It's usually with the mop.

Crossed a bridge -
I don't cross them or burn them - as I said...
I build them.